Explanation of Sets - Contact me with more questions!

In the summer of 2023 I started the making a few station cards for my gym. When I posted examples online, people wanted to buy them and the business took off. It can be confusing to see the sets now and not know what to buy. The Original Sets are all you need to get started and if you buy the curriculum you will have enough material for years for most gyms. If you have boys, there is a boys collection as well, but these have some good cards for girls and tumbling only gyms. Check out the tumbling ONLY section for a set with no other apparatuses. The Intermediate and Advanced Sets include a lot of extra cards and work into more advanced skills. My philosophy is that even at the most basic levels we are working on advanced skills, so there are some overlap in difficulty between the sets. I hope you enjoy the cards, and please reach out with any feedback, changes, sets you want made, etc. ENJOY! These are digital products, PDFs to allow you to print year after year.

Collection: Products